Our delivery process.
Log in to your client portal using the credentials provided by our team at inboxaustralia.com.au and use our online delivery calculator to generate a quote. For detailed instructions on using the calculator, watch the video available within the portal.
Email our bookings team with your approval for the delivery, including the PDF quote generated by our calculator and your delivery docket with client details. Any additional information, such as access notes, assembly instructions, or client preferences, will help us complete the work efficiently.
First contact
Upon receiving your email, our bookings team will process the request and send an initial contact email and text message to the client. This message will inform the client that their order has been approved for delivery and provide our contact details, making Inbox their primary point of contact and reducing administrative tasks for sales representatives.
Our scheduling team will determine the earliest availability for the delivery area and offer the client a delivery date and a 3-hour time window via email and text, at least 48 hours before the delivery day. The client can accept by clicking a button or decline by text, email, or phone call. If there is no reply, our team will follow up with a call.
Delivery day
Our delivery team will arrive within the provided 3-hour time window and will text the client approximately 30 minutes before arrival, including a GPS link to track their approach. In case of any issues on delivery day, our operational team will immediately contact the sales representative to inform them of the problem.
Upon completion
Once the delivery is completed, our operational team will send the Proof of Delivery (POD) by email to the sales representative or the designated contact. The POD will include a list of delivered items, the client’s signature, and photos for reference. Any issues that arise on delivery day will be outlined in the POD with accompanying images, serving as our delivery report.